Who's that Girl?

Who's that Girl?

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Sunny Days Ahead

Khloe is excited that the weather has been beautiful the last couple days (only to bring rain later this week)! She ran errands with Mommy (helping her prepare for her upcoming trip). She was quite the little sweetie today. Khloe explained to Mommy today that she did not want any more babies (ever!) in our house, because she wants to be the baby forever! So funny! It has been on her mind, lately, probably because so many of Mommy's friends/family have been having babies these past couple weeks and she is just clarifying her desires (or non-desires). LOL We enjoyed a lot of time outside today. Daddy wanted us to come by his office. When we got there, we took a walk (behind his work) to check out part of the lake stream. Khloe got to see a huge turtle starring at us (he was propped up on his log and a bit annoyed because we were throwing rocks in the water). Mommy finished re-registering Khloe for Elementary school today... can't believe she's about to be a big girl! So glad Mommy and Daddy opted to keep her back another year before making the huge lunge in to Kindergarten (Elementary school). She was far too little (having a very late birthday) and Mommy/Daddy just WERE NOT ready, either!! But, boy, is she going to be Miss smartypants when she does start Kindergarten... she knows far more than the average 1st grader, even. Straight A's here she comes!

Khloe enjoying time outside...

*Khloe is wearing a Target Annie line Top "Friends Forever", Annie Line floral headband, True Religion Joey Jeans and Converse Bubblegum pink shoes.


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