Who's that Girl?

Who's that Girl?

Friday, March 6, 2015

Ding Dong the Snow is GONE!

Khloe was extra excited today to spend some time outside... finally, the snow melted and Spring is in the air! The sun was shining... and it was in the lower 60's today. Yay... a break from this bitterly cold mess. A glimpse of Spring is EXACTLY what little missy needed! Khloe wanted to spend some time outside. Today, she had a hearing/vision test for Kindergarten requirements. Unfortunately, her ears were all clogged up today, so she didn't do great on her hearing test (which any other time she always passes... but, I'm sure she has some fluid in her inner ear drum... her nose has been running and her eyes, too). Her vision test confirmed that she she needs glasses for her astigmatism. Ugh. But, knowledge-wise... Wow. She can count to 100 and beyond... she knows up to her 5s in simple addition... she is starting to work on subtraction with Mommy... she knows her address, city, state and country she resides in... how to read simple sentences/ and spell easy words... and all of the things I covered last year on her blog post. Khloe is above average and we plan to keep her there! Khloe is officially ready for Kindergarten this Fall and we are so happy we kept her back one more year (just to increase her intelligence even more!).

Khloe loving the non-breezy, sunny, Spring-like day...

*Khloe is wearing Matilda Jane Cabernet Top, Matilda Jane Platinum Juliet Bennys (pants), Lucky Brand Jean Jacket and Nina Cranberry Glitter Toe Boots.


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