Who's that Girl?

Who's that Girl?

Monday, February 23, 2015

Snow Belle

Khloe kept asking Mommy if she would have school tomorrow. She knew that snow meant no school. Ha! We weren't sure if we were ever going to get snow this winter... we made it all the way to the end of February without snow. Then, boom... this past week, we have gotten one big snow fall, and several smaller snow falls. Today, the flurries were falling and at times it was a little thick. If nothing else, it is a beautiful sight. But, wowsers, it was freezing outside... a whopping 18 degrees. Khloe had one small class today and then she requested Chick Fil-A for lunch... Her wish was Mommy's command. Such innocent, simple requests at her age. These years are the best!

Khloe wanted to pose inside today... she said it was too cold outside. Brr!!

*Khloe is wearing Matilda Jane Reflection Puffer Tee, Matilda Jane Peplum Top, Matilda Jane Stencil Ruffles and Tiny toms (shoes).


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