Who's that Girl?

Who's that Girl?

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Activity Overload

Khloe had many activities planned today. It has been rather warm (unusually warm for this time of year, considering it's supposed to be winter), but the temperature dropped about 20 degrees from the morning until the end of the day. It was spitting ice and raining a bit, but became very cold rather quickly. Khloe went to Storytime today (for PreK kids). After they read books, they worked on activities to coincide with the books they read. Her activity was to make a colorful monster. She did... and it turned out darling. She ran in to her classmate and friend, Nicole, there... and they instantly teamed up to create super cute/funny monsters. Ha! Also, when we were leaving Storytime (walking out to our car), we saw Khloe's PreK Teacher, Miss Suzie, walking past us. So, we stopped to chat with her. Later in the afternoon, Khloe went to her dance class and worked on her recital song... then a special surprise awaited her. Nana was there to pick her up from dance and take her home with her to play with her best friend, Lillian! Yay... it was a super fun day for sweet Khloe girl!

Khloe ready to get her day started...

*Khloe is wearing GB Girl! Southwest Sweater, Target  Mustard Dot Skinny Jeans and TCP Brown Boots.


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