Who's that Girl?

Who's that Girl?

Monday, February 23, 2015

Snow Belle

Khloe kept asking Mommy if she would have school tomorrow. She knew that snow meant no school. Ha! We weren't sure if we were ever going to get snow this winter... we made it all the way to the end of February without snow. Then, boom... this past week, we have gotten one big snow fall, and several smaller snow falls. Today, the flurries were falling and at times it was a little thick. If nothing else, it is a beautiful sight. But, wowsers, it was freezing outside... a whopping 18 degrees. Khloe had one small class today and then she requested Chick Fil-A for lunch... Her wish was Mommy's command. Such innocent, simple requests at her age. These years are the best!

Khloe wanted to pose inside today... she said it was too cold outside. Brr!!

*Khloe is wearing Matilda Jane Reflection Puffer Tee, Matilda Jane Peplum Top, Matilda Jane Stencil Ruffles and Tiny toms (shoes).


Friday, February 20, 2015

FIRST Sleepover Fun

Khloe could not hardly wait for this day to get here... she waited all week for Friday to come. Today, Khloe was going to her friend, Lillian's, house. Lillian invited her over for a sleepover. Not just any sleepover, but Khloe's 1ST SLEEPOVER!! Before the sleepover, though, Khloe was Mommy's sidekick. She ran important errands with Mommy most of the day. We started off the morning going to the service department (at our car dealership) and having our car balanced (realigned, after just get our tires rotated yesterday). The car was a bit bouncy after we had it serviced the previous day. Khloe wanted one of her favorite chicken dishes for lunch, so that she got. After, we took Bubby lunch to school and headed home shortly after. Khloe gathered her swimsuit (for her friend's hottub) and changed her clothes for the sleepover tonight. Mommy took Khloe to Papaw/Nana's house before the sleepover and they took her on to the sleepover, after. We had a strong feeling that Khloe wouldn't want to sleep there (because of separation anxiety and homesick feelings), so since her grandparents live right down the road for her friend, then they were waiting for the call to come get her. And, they DID eventually get the call "Khloe wants to go home"... they called around 12:30am. She was quite the trooper and lasted all night... keeping up with the best of them! Way to go Khloe!!

Khloe running errands (earlier in the day) with Mommy...

*Khloe is wearing Matilda Jane Dapple Brown Tee, Matilda Jane Thelma Big Ruffles and Joyfolie Leighton Military Boots.


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Valentine's Party at School

Khloe had a fun day at school... It was their class Valentine's Party. The theme this year was "Frozen". Mommy didn't realize that the students were allowed to wear their Frozen gear/outfits, so after dropping sweet Khloe off at school, Mommy ran home to grab her Elsa dress. We, also brought cupcakes and Frozen plates to class. Khloe gave both of her teachers some chocolate treats for Valentine's Day. After school, Khloe was treated to ice cream at her favorite ice cream parlor.

Khloe having fun at her class party...

*Khloe is wearing Jillian's Closet Red Flutter Heart Top, Joe's Jeans Red Skinny Jeans and TCP Black Boots.


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Valentine's Party in Dance Class

Khloe had a great day at school, today, but she was really looking forward to her party for Valentine's Day in her dance class today, after school. She brought some goody bags for her dance friends. It was crazy socks day, so Khloe wore some fun Hello Kitty tall socks. Nana picked Khloe girl up from dance, so she could go to their house and have a play date with her BF Lillian. After Mommy picked her up from her grandparents' home, we went home and worked on her Valentine's handouts for her classmates in Pre-K tomorrow.

Khloe having a fun time in dance...

*Khloe is wearing a Capezio Dance Leotard, Boutique Purple Zebra Pettiskirt and Bloch black tap shoes.


Friday, February 6, 2015

The Cutest Sidekick

Khloe was quite the trooper today. She was Mommy's sidekick for the day. She woke up this morning excited that it was pretty warm outside... so, she wanted to spend some time playing outside on this beautiful day! She had a short little speech class this morning (she really loves her speech teacher this year). Then, we enjoyed some Olive Garden for lunch (since Daddy was heading out for his weekend mountain biking challenge).  She helped Mommy mail packages at the post office.... she even wanted to take all the pictures of the packages for Mommy. Ha!! Khloe got lots of compliments on how cute she was today. After taking Bubby to work, we headed home and spent some quality time reading books, working on puzzles and cuddling (of course!). Khloe's ideal day.

Khloe being such a sassy sweet girl...

*Khloe is wearing a Target Woven Zip-front Top, Joe's Jeans Grey Skinny and TCP Black Boots.


Thursday, February 5, 2015

Crazy Hat Day

Khloe was excited about Crazy Hat Day at her school today. Mommy and Khloe made a glittery pink hat with black/white ostrich feathers all over it. It was super cute! She got to school and was a little embarrassed to wear her hat, because all the other kids just wore normal hats. But, not long after she was standing in class, her teachers talked her in to putting her hat on. All the kids (except one boy) wore hats. It was a fun day at school for little Miss Khloe! After school, she went back to Nana and Papaw's house to play (since it was rather warm outside). She just loves going over to their house... there is so much to do outside! Her pony is there and all her outdoor powerwheels, swingset and the list goes on. Looking forward to Springtime!

Khloe ready for a fun day at school...

*Khloe is wearing an Old Navy Top, Adorable Essentials Triple Ruffle Black Leggings, Tiny Toms Silver Glitters (shoes) and a Gap Sequenced Beanie (hat).


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Activity Overload

Khloe had many activities planned today. It has been rather warm (unusually warm for this time of year, considering it's supposed to be winter), but the temperature dropped about 20 degrees from the morning until the end of the day. It was spitting ice and raining a bit, but became very cold rather quickly. Khloe went to Storytime today (for PreK kids). After they read books, they worked on activities to coincide with the books they read. Her activity was to make a colorful monster. She did... and it turned out darling. She ran in to her classmate and friend, Nicole, there... and they instantly teamed up to create super cute/funny monsters. Ha! Also, when we were leaving Storytime (walking out to our car), we saw Khloe's PreK Teacher, Miss Suzie, walking past us. So, we stopped to chat with her. Later in the afternoon, Khloe went to her dance class and worked on her recital song... then a special surprise awaited her. Nana was there to pick her up from dance and take her home with her to play with her best friend, Lillian! Yay... it was a super fun day for sweet Khloe girl!

Khloe ready to get her day started...

*Khloe is wearing GB Girl! Southwest Sweater, Target  Mustard Dot Skinny Jeans and TCP Brown Boots.


Monday, February 2, 2015

February, Already?!

Khloe was happy that February was finally here. She knows what holidays belong to each month of the year. She knows it's Valentine's Day in February. Smart girl! So far the year 2015 has flown by... January came and went so fast. Whoa! Khloe is still growing like a weed... we are certain that she hit another growth spurt this month. She moved up in shoe sizes (wearing a toddler 9, finally) and is trying to catch up with her little buddies in height (although, she is still almost a head shorter than them!). Ha! Today, she went with her family to celebrate her Daddy's birthday. We enjoyed lunch at one of his favorite restaurants in town... can we say creole?! Papaw and Nana joined all of us for brunch! It was a great day!

Khloe enjoying her day with her favorite people...

* Khloe is wearing Joe's Jeans Black Skinny, Gap Grey Top, Target Houndstooth Wool Coat and TCP Black Tall Boots.