Who's that Girl?

Who's that Girl?

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Craziest Weather

Khloe has been a little irritated about this crazy weather here. She has really been wanting to play and go to school, again, but she has not gone back to Pre-K since BEFORE Christmas break. It is really quite unreal. School has been cancelled because of snow... then ice... then snow/ice... and it was cancelled again, today. Khloe was able to go back to dance class yesterday, but has missed all her classes before and after. Stinks. Khloe and Bubby are bored out of their minds. There's only so much you can do inside... eat... play... eat... sleep... eat. LOL

Khloe at Bubby's Orthontist appointment (the one time we've gotten out of the house)...
(Ignore the picture quality... didn't have good camera with us.)
*Khloe is wearing Persnickety Betty Top in Blue Stripe, Gap Trousers and Livie & Luca Blue Dawns (shoes).


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