Who's that Girl?

Who's that Girl?

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Khloe is not keen on the over-abundance of heat that Mother Nature has given us, lately... today was certainly the same. You can't even enjoy playtime outdoors, because everything you touch (that has been in direct sunlight) scorches your fingers. Ouch! So, Khloe did not spend much time outside today... which does not make her very happy. She is an outdoor-kind-of-girl, for sure! ;) Khloe ended up running errands with Mommy after her last class of the week. She picked out a goody, today, for being such a good girl this week... she picked out a little spooky Halloween book library (no surprise!). The girl LOVES to read... can you blame her?!

Khloe awaiting her Papaw/Nana's arrival at their home...

*Khloe is wearing Persnickety Ella Dress, Etsy Knee High Knit Lace Socks and Livie & Luca Pearl Ruche (shoes).


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