Who's that Girl?

Who's that Girl?

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday

Khloe got to prance around today on Easter. It was such a beautiful day! She visited a couple different local parks (for some cutesy pictures around the rocks/springs) and then we went to eat at one of our favorite restaurants! Khloe loved her Easter basket that the Easter Bunny left her this morning... Overall, it was a pretty good day!

Khloe enjoying Nature's Beauty on this lovely Easter Sunday...

*Khloe is wearing a custom made pink/tan/cream/brown tiered ellie dress (made with love by her Nana!).


Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter Egg Hunt Day

Khloe was so excited to get to be part of the big Easter Celebration and festivities at Orchards Park today. She loved the kite flying and Easter Bunny... oh, and live band! Her cousin, Alexis, got to come with us today! We will be sad when Alexis heads back to Nashville. Boo. It rained most of the morning. But, blue skies and sunshine came just as it was time to celebrate today's Easter Festivities (although, there was still puddles of water everywhere... and other children stomping through the mud)!

Khloe enjoying the sunshine and kite flying at the park...

*Khloe is wearing a custom peasant top by Laura Kae, Persnickety Grey Ruffled Leggings and See Kai Run Pink flower Mary Janes (shoes). Oh, and she is wearing Daddy's Ray Ban Sunglasses - LOL!


Friday, March 29, 2013

Pocket Full of Posies

Khloe wanted to spend part of her day picking flowers in the front yard! She is such a girly girl. Her cousin, Alexis, was still over at our house, so she was picking pretty flowers, too! Tomorrow is a big day for Khloe... She gets to go Easter Egg Hunting! It's amazing how the Magnolia trees always start blooming on Easter weekend (the weekend Jesus arose from the dead)! :)

Here is Khloe picking flowers in the front yard...

*Khloe is wearing a cream woven top by Design History, Paper Denim & Cloth sequenced rainbow skinny jeans and UGG Chestnut boots.


Thursday, March 28, 2013

Busy Day with Cousins!

Khloe got to visit, today, with her Aunt and cousins (who were in town from Nashville). We had lunch today with them (Pasta). She got to see Grandma, her three Aunts and two cousins! Her cousin Alexis got to come to our house after lunch... They jumped on the trampoline, played card games, watched movies and even made s'mores. Fun, fun day/night for one sweet, little Khloe!

Khloe is ready for class and to meet her cousins for lunch...

*Khloe is wearing Sam & Sydney Velvet Tree Coat, Sam & Sydney Bird Applique top/skirt set and Livie & Luca Pink Petals (shoes).


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Hump Day - Hooray!

Khloe loves Wednesdays... because it's the middle of the week AND she gets to see her BFF, Ava!! Yay! Today, after class, Khloe and her little friend, Ava, were picking daffodils and hugging each other (for a long time after class in the school yard). They were extra happy to see each other. Mommy made Khloe and Bubby take some pictures after Bubby got home from school... The weather was so nice today. The sunset was GORGEOUS, tonight!

Khloe all ready to see her BFF today:

*Khloe is wearing Matilda Jane (Platinum) Fall Harvest Tiered Ellie Dress, Matilda Jane (Jane Exclusive) Strawberry Lemonade Big Ruffles (pants), KPea Barbie Pink Ruffle Tee and Livie & Luca LE Pink Petals.


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Fun Times at Chuck E Cheese

We had some down time today, so Khloe requested that we go to Chuck E Cheese's for lunch and playtime. Mommy agreed, because she has been such a good girl lately... And, because it has been too cold outside to go to the park. Khloe was a little intimidated by Chuck E. Cheese, but she enjoyed all the games... especially the Carousel ride! :)

Here is Khloe having quite an exciting time at Chuck E Cheese:

*Khloe is wearing Matilda Jane Blueberry Boat Tee, Matilda Jane Swiss Miss Knot Dress, Matilda Jane Bon Bon Straightees (pants) and Livie & Luca LE Teal Petals (shoes). 


Monday, March 25, 2013


The weather is ridiculous right about now. It's supposed to be Spring in full bloom... but, it has been spitting snow flurries for several days now. Odd weather. But, it gave Khloe an excuse to wear her new, long-sleeved dance leotard with tutu! She truly felt like a princess today in dance class! It was funny because all her co-dancers all wore pink today... the class was overflowing with pink... TU-TU cute! Ha!

Khloe leaving for dance class...

*Khloe is wearing Ballet Slippers dance leotard with built in tutu by Barbie Dolls. Her legwarmers are by BabyLegs with added tulle!


Saturday, March 23, 2013

Easter Photo Session

Khloe had her Easter Photo Session with her bubby today. The session was with Myra. She lives right around the corner from us, so it literally takes 1 minute to get there. Myra does a good job grabbing Khloe's attention. Khloe just wants to hug on her brother (Peyton) the whole session it is always so sweet... even though bubby gets annoyed. Khloe got to hold the precious bunnies... so, she was a happy girl!

Khloe at her photo session with Myra:

*Khloe is wearing Matilda Jane Platinum Tulip Time Ellie dress, Pink tall Knee High Lace Socks (generic) and UMI Gingerbread Heart Mary Janes - Pink/Green (shoes).


Friday, March 22, 2013

Reunion with Little Penn

Khloe was so excited today... and she couldn't contain it! She got to see Penn - our friends' little boy (who we recently stayed with in Little Rock) today. They were in town for a business trip and we had dinner with them before they headed home. Khloe and Penn were so excited to see each other!!! They sat by each other at dinner (not eating much of their dinner, of course). They are both the same age. SO sweet!

Khloe is ready to meet up with little Penn today... Yay!

*Khloe is wearing Persnickety Grey Purse Applique top, Persnickety Ruffled skirt and UGG Chestnut Boots! (The Persnickety set is Fall 2011.)


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Snow on Spring Break?

Today, it sleeted and snowed... and this week is Spring Break. Our state definitely has the most random weather outbursts (from almost 80 degrees one day to 32 degrees and snowing the next!). Insanity! BUT, Khloe still managed to spark a smile and enjoy the day. The weather never stops this sweet girl from making the most of her days! Ha! Khloe just loved her day - short class and then hanging out with brother.

Khloe anxiously awaiting her turn to play out in the snow... 

*Khloe is wearing Matilda Jane Platinum Cranberry Pie Dress, Matilda Jane Platinum Lala Ruffles (pants) and Matilda Jane Blue Willow Jacket. She is wearing Umi Etude Mary Janes - Navy (shoes).


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Art Museum with Mommy & Daddy

Today was sunny, but chilly! So, we decided to take a little trip (when daddy got off of work) to the local Art Museum to see the newest exhibits - The Art of Norman Rockwell! His art was amazing... simply unreal. We enjoyed our time learning about his inspirations, Saturday Night Posts covers and his genius mind. Khloe's favorite part, however, was the treat at the end... as we dove in the Bistro for some lattes and (out of this world!) desserts! Yummy!

Khloe is standing outside of the the Art Museum here... Before we headed in...

*Khloe is wearing Matilda Jane Anastasiya Bib Dress, KPea Vintage Airliners Ruffled Leggings, TCP tall laceback boots and a M2M MJ hairbow.


Monday, March 18, 2013

First Day of Spring Break

Spring Break started for us this week... Well, Khloe doesn't go to school, yet, but for Bubby it started this week (and of course he is already off with his pals enjoying the week, because we didn't go somewhere this year for Spring Break - like usual). So, Khloe and Mommy ran to Marshall's and found this gorgeous (very detailed scrolly woodwork) mirror that will match Khloe's new big girl room perfectly (big dresser mirror, that is). Loved it! We dropped some packages off at the Post Office and then went to lunch at Zaxby's. It's a nice day, today, unlike yesterday, which was cold.

Here is little Khloe before we hit the town:

*Khloe is wearing Matilda Jane Cabernet Tee, Matilda Jane Sailor Top and Matilda Jane Goldenrod Leggings (pants). She is wearing Coco Jumbo mint green Mary Janes (shoes).


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Slumber Party with Papaw & Nana

Khloe was excited to get up early and start her day... It was a gorgeous Saturday! She knew that she would get to see her Papaw and Nana today... AND, she got to stay the night with them. She loves to be pampered by her grandparents! Mommy and Khloe shopped a little this morning.... had a yummy lunch... and then headed to her Papaw and Nana's house for her much needed quality time with them! Khloe informed me this morning that "It's been a long LONG time since I saw Nana and Opaw!" Kids... don't they say the cutest things... especially, little Khloe! Her brain is always surprising us! :)

Khloe getting sassy with Mommy because she was ready to GO! (Ha!)

*Khloe is wearing Loves Me Not Navy Polka Dot Bubble Shorts and Puffy Tank. She is also wearing Baby Gap Ruffled Navy Cardigan and Umi Etude Mary Janes (shoes).


Friday, March 15, 2013

TGIF... Absorbing the Weekend!

It turned out to be an absolutely beautiful day. We love Fridays!! We went to the park today and spend some fun bonding time outside! Daddy was out of town for his Spring Regional meetings and a short weekend hike trip following. So, we went to Colton's to enjoy a yummy dinner (Khloe's favorite rolls in town). Bubby was part of the festivities. :)

Here's Khloe getting her day started... Didn't forget her shades!

*Khloe is wearing Paper, Denim & Cloth (PD&C) denim tiered dress, Black Circo Combat boots and DG Kids purple sunglasses!


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thursday Delight

At least we're past hump day... almost the weekend! Khloe has been quite antsy to get out of the house and explore "almost Spring." Mommy had to go to her good friend's dad's funeral today. :( Boo. But, it was in the same town where Grandma and Grandpa lives, so Khloe was excited to spend some time with them today! She doesn't get to see them that often, but loves her time with them. She knows they are her grandparents. Grandma eats up her "Khloe Time." She gives Khloe little gifts often when she comes over and this visit she gave her a light up Minnie Mouse wrist band. So cute! Khloe loves her grandparents - even though she doesn't get to see them as often as she'd like! Afterwards, we ran some small errands  and headed home to play, play, play!

Here is the little prissy, before heading out of town to see her Grandparents!

*Khloe is wearing Persnickety Dress & Persnickety Pink Stripe Bells (pants). She is wearing LE Livie & Luca Pink Petals (shoes).


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Seeing Ava... Ava... Bo-Gava

Khloe adores her little friend, Ava. She is really her only friend outside of our family friend's kids. So, she really takes a liking to her. Today, they held hands and skipped down the hall at their school! Too precious! We had a fun day... Khloe earned a toy this week for accomplishing a task, so we headed into town (before class) to Marshall's and of course she picked out a Melissa & Doug learning toy. This one was a magnetic puzzle that let's her 'fish' for sea animals. She loves it! We also found some amazing Jelly the Pug dresses for $15... they are normally $70+ in the boutiques. So, we were happy! Khloe loves being a fashionista!

Here is Khloe before heading into town, today:

*Khloe is wearing Matilda Jane Percy Knot Dress, Matilda Jane Sienna Tee, Matilda Jane Vander Ruffles and Livie & Luca Grey Blooms (shoes).


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Class with Sass

Khloe had a short class today... afterwards, mommy and Khloe headed to lunch and took care of our Tuesday errands. Khloe was so sweet and such a good helper today! Mommy is so lucky to have such a sweet little girl to spend her days with!! Our love explodes! When we got home, Khloe sat on mommy's lap and looked through old pictures of her when she was a baby (while mommy cried because she is getting so big!). <sigh>

Khloe anxious to go to town today (it warmed up today outside):

*Khloe is wearing Matilda Jane Birds of a Feather Lap Dress, Matilda Jane Homeroom Ruffle Leggings and LE Livie & Luca Green Petals (shoes).


Monday, March 11, 2013

Daylight Savings & Dance Day

Yesterday, we moved our clocks forward an hour for Daylight Savings... which is fantastic, because we are now able to take full advantage of all the day light to play, play, play! Khloe slept in this morning... not realizing it was an hour later than the day before. LOL But, the day was off to a good start anyway... Well rested and ready to see all her dance buddies today (she missed last week because we were in Little Rock). So, she danced her little heart out today... It's her favorite day of the week!

And, of course, she was ALL dolled up for dance class (nothing unusual, of course!)! She picked out her outfit today and mommy accessorized for her!

Khloe's posing is getting better every day... You would think she was a professional!

*Khloe is wearing a zebra/hot pink tutu tank dress by Ruffle Butts, Zebra/pink trim leg warmers (handmade at craft fair), Target hot pink spandex dance shorties and Bloch pink dance tights.


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Perfect Weather Day

The weather could not have been more perfect today (after many days of exceptionally cold windy days). Khloe is such an outdoor junky. She truly takes after daddy in that department! ;) She wanted to eat up this day and spend some time playing outside with mommy. We had one little class... made a quick stop at our friend's house and played with her little girls... played at the park... took a short detour to our favorite local cupcake shop (enjoying some mini cupcakes and specialty green teas)... threw some coins in the fountain for good luck... then headed home! Khloe was one satisfied, happy girl today! :)

Khloe playing in our front yard before making our way to town...

*Khloe is wearing Matilda Jane Platinum Trudy Tiered Knot Dress, Matilda Jane Platinum Crawford Ruffles (pants), KPea Chocolate Glaze Ruffle Tee and LE Livie & Luca Pink Petals (shoes).


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Class with Khloe's BFF

Today, Khloe got to spend some time with her little friend, Ava... who is the only other child in her speech class! Khloe really enjoys her time with her teacher and her BFF, Ava... Her teacher tells us that she looks forward to seeing what Khloe is wearing every week. LOL

Khloe getting ready to go see Ava and work hard in class...

*Khloe is wearing Spoiled Little Mama Oriental Panther Dress, Black/White Gap Leggings and Minnetonka 3-layered fringe boots (black).


Monday, March 4, 2013

Appointment at Arkansas Children's Hospital

Today was the whole reason we came to Little Rock. Khloe had to have some scope testing done to see what time of surgery she was going to need to correct the muscles in her pallet. She has a form of cleft that doesn't allow her airflow to say some words properly... the muscles don't close all the way to emphasize letter like "S", "Y", "L" and "Z", mainly. She was SUCH a trooper and the nurses/doctors just loved her!

Everyone stopped us in the hospital to compliment her outfit and asked if it was Matilda Jane. (Apparently it is big in Little Rock!) Too funny, because hardly any moms in our area really know what Matilda Jane is... even though Khloe wears it almost on a daily basis! LOL

Khloe looking so sweet, before her testing...

*Khloe is wearing Matilda Jane Sienna Top, Matilda Jane Leona Knot Dress, Matilda Jane Cherry Farm Ruffles (pants) and TCP brown tall suade boots!


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Little Rock Children's Museum of Discovery Day

While spending the weekend in Little Rock, we stopped at the Children's Museum of Discovery! It was fun for Khloe, she got to explore all kinds of contraptions that kids often wonder about. :) She really had such a fun time there! She played so hard today.

Khloe cute and cozy - ready to hit the town and explore!

*Khloe is wearing Matilda Jane Traveling Willow jacket, Matilda Jane Road Trip Ruffled Leggings (Platinum), Matilda Jane Sienna Top and Tiny Toms Turquoise Glitters (shoes).


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Trip to Little Rock

Today, we left to head to Little Rock. Khloe is having some scope work done at ACH on Monday, so we thought we'd make a fun weekend of it. Yay! We stopped at Petit Jean State Park and other parts of the Arkansas River to explore and view the beautiful scenery. We stayed with some friends who live west of Little Rock... Khloe absolutely loved playing with their two precious boys!

Khloe cleaning up for a nice dinner after a day full of hiking/exploring...

*Khloe is wearing Persnickety June Top in Blue, Persnickety Blue Bell Pants and Tiny Toms Turquoise Glitters (shoes).